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Re-route BuddyPress emails through WP Mail SMTP

This snippet will re-route all BuddyPress emails through WP Mail SMTP.

This code snippet will also see that all emails are sent as HTML emails, rather than in plaintext format. That lets you track opens and clicks.

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/* Re-route BuddyPress emails through WP Mail SMTP   
 * Original doc: https://wpmailsmtp.com/buddypress-activation-email-notifications/
// Set BP to use wp_mail
add_filter( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', '__return_true' );
// Set messages to HTML for BP sent emails.
add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', function( $default ) {
	if ( did_action( 'bp_send_email' ) ) {
		return 'text/html';
	return $default;
} );
// Use HTML template
	function( $content, $property, $transform, $bp_email ) {
		if ( ! did_action( 'bp_send_email' ) ) {
			return $content;
		return $bp_email->get_template( 'add-content' );


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