Samuel Lamptey
Member since August 2023
Block WP-Admin Area from Non-Administrators
Prevent users who are not administrators from accessing the wp-admin area.
Add Featured Image Column
Display the featured image in the list of posts in the admin.
Disable Embeds
Remove an extra request and prevent others from adding embeds in your site.
Disable Plugin & Theme Editor
Prevent users from using the Plugin & Theme file editor.
Disable Gutenberg Code Editing for Non-Admin Users
Prevent non-admin users from using "Edit as HTML" or "Code editor" in the Gutenberg Editor.
Disable Author Archives
Completely hide author archives and prevent direct access by returning a 404 page.
Disable Update Notice for Non-admin Users
Don't show WordPress version update notices to users that can't update the site.
Limit the Number of Post Revisions
Reduce Database size by limiting post revisions to just 20 per post.
Hide ‘Screen Options’ Tab
Remove the Screen Options menu at the top of admin pages.
Disable Lazy Load
Prevent WordPress from adding the lazy-load attribute to all images and iframes.
Open External Links in a New Tab
Automatically open all external links added in posts in a new tab.
Empty Admin Dashboard
Disable all dashboard widgets in the admin and the welcome panel.