7 Snippets
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Hide Price & Add to Cart for Non Logged in Users for Specific Products

This code snippet allows you to hide the price and 'Add to Cart' button for users…

Make Product Non Purchasable for Wholesale Customer if Product Stock is Less Than Certain Amount

This snippet will allow you to make a product unavailable for purchase by wholesale customers if…

Override Wholesale Price Text Per Wholesale Role

This snippet allows you to display specific wholesale price text for each of your wholesale roles

WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture Re-send Email Button in User Profile

This snippet will add a resend email button under User profile.

Prevent Wholesale Customer to Add Product to the Cart If The Product is Low on Stock

// Prevent wholesale customer to add to cart if the product is low on stock add_filter('woocommerce_is_purchasable',…

Let Customers Select Their User Role From A Custom Field In Wholesale Lead Capture

Create a custom field with the user role selection, make sure that the values match your…

Grant Wholesale Lead Approval for a Certain User Role

Allow other user roles e.g. "Editor" to "Approve" or "Reject" wholesale applications from the WP Dashboard…