35 Snippets
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Change the redirect URI when using Google App’s OAuth

If you prefer not to use the default OAuth redirect URI (connect.wpmailsmtp.com) for added security and…

Adding a Custom Filter when using Other SMTP Setting

This snippet will help in troubleshooting steps from "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate".

Set a Custom Reply-To Email

This snippet will ensure all emails sent from your site have the same reply-to email address.…

Using an Office 365 GCC or DoD email address

For security measures, Government Community Cloud (GCC) and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) accounts typically use…

Change the Email Summary Email Address

This snippet will allow you to specify who the email summaries should be delivered to. On…

Block URLs Inside Text Fields

This snippet will prevent Text and Textarea fields such as Single Line Text and Paragraph text…

Set a Custom Email Header

This snippet sets custom email headers to ensure you can control specific behaviors of your sent…

Defining General Settings Constants

Every constant in this section can be used for any mailer because they’re not specific to…

Defining SparkPost Mailer Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Hide the Email Test Menu Item in Settings

This snippet will hide the 'Email Test' tab from your WP Mail SMTP settings menu.

Defining Email Log Constants

This snippet will prevent users from changing WP Mail SMTP settings in your WordPress admin area…

Customize Action Scheduler Retention Period

This snippet allows you to change the default 30-day storage for the Action Scheduler retention period.

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