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How to Add JavaScript to a Page When Using the Form Pages Addon

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 * Add confetti to the convas element on the confirmation message for Form Pages
 * @link  https://wpforms.com/developers/how-to-add-javascript-to-a-page-when-using-the-form-pages-addon/
function wpf_confetti_animation() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
//If the canvas ID does not exist on the page, this script will not run
if (document.querySelector( '#canvas' ) !== null) {   
class Progress {
  constructor(param = {}) {
    this.timestamp        = null;
    this.duration         = param.duration || Progress.CONST.DURATION;
    this.progress         = 0;
    this.delta            = 0;
    this.progress         = 0;
    this.isLoop           = !!param.isLoop;
  static get CONST() {
    return {
      DURATION : 1000
  reset() {
    this.timestamp = null;
  start(now) {
    this.timestamp = now;
  tick(now) {
    if (this.timestamp) {
      this.delta    = now - this.timestamp;
      this.progress = Math.min(this.delta / this.duration, 1);
      if (this.progress >= 1 && this.isLoop) {
      return this.progress;
    } else {
      return 0;
class Confetti {
  constructor(param) {
    this.parent         = param.elm || document.body;
    this.canvas         = document.createElement("canvas");
    this.ctx            = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
    this.width          = param.width  || this.parent.offsetWidth;
    this.height         = param.height || this.parent.offsetHeight;
    this.length         = param.length || Confetti.CONST.PAPER_LENGTH;
    this.yRange         = param.yRange || this.height * 2;
    this.progress       = new Progress({
      duration : param.duration,
      isLoop   : true
    this.rotationRange  = typeof param.rotationLength === "number" ? param.rotationRange
                                                                   : 10;
    this.speedRange     = typeof param.speedRange     === "number" ? param.speedRange
                                                                   : 10;
    this.sprites        = [];
    this.canvas.style.cssText = [
      "display: block",
      "position: absolute",
      "top: 0",
      "left: 0",
      "pointer-events: none"
    this.render = this.render.bind(this);
  static get CONST() {
    return {
        //CUSTOMIZE: This will adjust how wide the paper is 
        SPRITE_WIDTH  : 9,
        //CUSTOMIZE: This will adjust how tall the paper is
        SPRITE_HEIGHT : 16,
        //CUSTOMIZE: This will adjust how much confetti appears, raise the number for less confetti
        PAPER_LENGTH  : 100,
        //CUSTOMIZE: This will control the rotation rate of each piece of confetti
        ROTATION_RATE : 50,
        //CUSTOMIZE: These are the default colors used for the confetti. You can change these numbers or add to them. 
        //CUSTOMIZE: Separate adding new colors by a comma after each new color added.
        COLORS        : [
          "#78909C"        ]
  build() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
      let canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
          ctx    = canvas.getContext("2d");
      canvas.width  = Confetti.CONST.SPRITE_WIDTH;
      canvas.height = Confetti.CONST.SPRITE_HEIGHT;
      canvas.position = {
        initX : Math.random() * this.width,
        initY : -canvas.height - Math.random() * this.yRange
      canvas.rotation = (this.rotationRange / 2) - Math.random() * this.rotationRange;
      canvas.speed    = (this.speedRange / 2) + Math.random() * (this.speedRange / 2);
        ctx.fillStyle = Confetti.CONST.COLORS[(Math.random() * Confetti.CONST.COLORS.length) | 0];
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  render(now) {
    let progress = this.progress.tick(now);
    this.canvas.width  = this.width;
    this.canvas.height = this.height;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
          this.sprites[i].position.initX + this.sprites[i].rotation * Confetti.CONST.ROTATION_RATE * progress,
          this.sprites[i].position.initY + progress * (this.height + this.yRange)
          -Confetti.CONST.SPRITE_WIDTH * Math.abs(Math.sin(progress * Math.PI * 2 * this.sprites[i].speed)) / 2,
          -Confetti.CONST.SPRITE_HEIGHT / 2,
          Confetti.CONST.SPRITE_WIDTH * Math.abs(Math.sin(progress * Math.PI * 2 * this.sprites[i].speed)),
(() => {
        //CUSTOMIZE: This will control the speed of how fast the confetti falls, raise the number for a slower fall.
  const DURATION = 8000,
        //CUSTOMIZE: This number controls how much confetti will appear on the screen. For more confetti, raise the number.
        LENGTH   = 120;
  new Confetti({
    width    : window.innerWidth,
    height   : window.innerHeight,
    length   : LENGTH,
    duration : DURATION
  setTimeout(() => {
    new Confetti({
      width    : window.innerWidth,
      height   : window.innerHeight,
      length   : LENGTH,
      duration : DURATION
  }, DURATION / 2);
add_action( 'wpforms_form_pages_footer', 'wpf_confetti_animation', 1);


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