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!function(o,a){var n;((n=window)._omq=n._omq||[]).push([o,a])}(
'sale', /* value can be sale, trial, or lead */
	// required parameters
	value: '348.00', // value of the order
	currency: 'USD', // currency the order was taken in, must be a valid currency (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes)
	// optional parameters
	transaction_id: '', // this is the order ID / transaction ID for the order. We encourage passing this because we check against it to ensure we aren't storing any duplicate data
	test: false // value can be true or false; defaults to false if not specified. If it is set to true, nothing will be stored, and we will respond with the sanitized data we would have stored.


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