Remove a specific field from CSV export

add_filter( ‘frm_fields_for_csv_export’, ‘remove_specific_field_from_csv_export’, 10, 2 ); function remove_specific_field_from_csv_export( $fields, $args ) { $target_form_id = 220; // change 220 to the ID of the form if ( $target_form_id === (int) $args[‘form’]->id ) { $target_field_id = 1204; // change 1204 to the…Continue reading

Limit event registration

add_filter( ‘frm_validate_entry’, ‘event_registration’, 20, 2 ); function event_registration( $errors, $values ) { if ( $values[‘form_id’] !== 304 ) {//Change 304 to the ID of your form return $errors; } $registration_field = 3080;// Set this field to the id of the…Continue reading

Unprotect temporary files for one form

add_filter( ‘frm_protect_temporary_file’, ‘unprotect_temporary_files’, 10, 2 ); function unprotect_temporary_files( $protect, $args ) { $target_form_id = 117; // change 117 to the ID of your form if ( $target_form_id === (int) $args[‘form_id’] && FrmProFileField::file_is_an_image( $args[‘file_id’] ) ) { $protect = false; }…Continue reading

Unprotect temporary files for all forms

add_filter( ‘frm_protect_temporary_file’, ‘unprotect_temporary_files’, 10, 2 ); function unprotect_temporary_files( $protect, $args ) { if ( FrmProFileField::file_is_an_image( $args[‘file_id’] ) ) { $protect = false; } return $protect; }Continue reading

Order dynamic options with conditionals

add_filter(‘frm_data_sort’, ‘frm_data_sort_conditional’, 30, 2); function frm_data_sort_conditional($options, $args) { $target_field_id = 100; // Change 100 to the child field ID. if ( $target_field_id === (int) $args[‘dynamic_field’][‘id’] ) { ksort( $options ); } return $options; }Continue reading

Remove all Likert fields from a form

add_filter(‘frm_fields_in_form’, ‘frm_remove_likert_in_form’, 10, 2); function frm_remove_likert_in_form( $fields, $args ) { if ( 13 == $args[‘form’]->id ) { //Replace 13 with the ID of your field foreach ( $fields as $index => $field ) { if ( ‘likert’ == $field[‘type’] )…Continue reading

Rename timestamp column

add_filter( ‘frm_export_csv_headings’, ‘rename_timestamp_column_in_csv_export’ ); function rename_timestamp_column_in_csv_export( $headings ) { $headings[‘created_at’] = ‘New Timestamp Column Name’; return $headings; }Continue reading

Remove IP column

add_filter( ‘frm_export_csv_headings’, ‘remove_ip_from_csv_export’ ); function remove_ip_from_csv_export( $headings ) { unset( $headings[‘ip’] ); return $headings; }Continue reading