Hide meta for a specific user ID

add_filter( ‘frmreg_show_meta_on_profile’, ‘hide_meta_for_specific_user’, 10, 2 ); function hide_meta_for_specific_user( $show, $user_profile ) { $target_user_id = 43; // Replace 43 with the ID of the User ID field. if ( $user_profile instanceof WP_User && $target_user_id === $user_profile->ID ) { $show = false;…Continue reading

Change login limit message

add_filter(‘frm_reg_login_limit_exceeded_error_message’, ‘change_login_limit_message’); function change_login_limit_message( $message ) { if ( $message ) { $message = ‘You have been locked out for having too many failed login attempts’; } return $message; }Continue reading

Custom global login message

add_filter( ‘frm_global_login_msg’, ‘custom_global_login_message’ ); function custom_global_login_message( $message ) { $frm_settings = FrmAppHelper::get_settings(); $frm_login_msg = $frm_settings->login_msg; if ( substr_count( $frm_login_msg, ‘*’ ) == 2 ) { $frm_login_msg_array = explode( “*”, $frm_login_msg ); $current_url = home_url( add_query_arg( [], $GLOBALS[‘wp’]->request ) ); //…Continue reading

Increase limit for email actions

add_filter(‘frm_email_control_settings’, function( $options ) { $options[‘limit’] = 200; // Change 200 to your limit return $options; } ); add_filter(‘frm_form_action_limit’, function( $limit ) { return 200; //Change 200 to your limit } );Continue reading

Apply Alt text to uploaded images in a repeater

add_filter(‘frm_validate_field_entry’, ‘add_alt_text_form_images’, 10, 4); function add_alt_text_form_images($errors, $posted_field, $posted_value, $args){ if ( $posted_field->id == 14548 ) { // Change 14548 with the ID of your repeater field $image_field_id=14550; // Change 5844 to the ID of the file upload field $alt_text_field_id=14551; //…Continue reading