Change Date Format
add_filter(‘frm_csv_date_format’, ‘change_my_csv_format’); function change_my_csv_format($format){ $format = ‘d/m/Y’; return $format; }Continue reading
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add_filter(‘frm_csv_date_format’, ‘change_my_csv_format’); function change_my_csv_format($format){ $format = ‘d/m/Y’; return $format; }Continue reading
add_filter( ‘frm_default_templates_files’, ‘add_more_default_templates’, 30 ); function add_more_default_templates( $template_files ) { $template_files[] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/yourxml.xml’; // make sure the path to your XML file is correct return $template_files; }Continue reading
add_filter( ‘frm_default_templates_files’, ‘stop_default_templates’, 30 ); function stop_default_templates(){ return array(); }Continue reading
add_filter(‘frm_csv_format’, ‘set_frm_csv_format’); function set_frm_csv_format(){ return ‘windows-1256’; }Continue reading
add_filter(‘frm_csv_value’, ‘frm_csv_value’, 10, 2); function frm_csv_value($value, $atts){ if($atts[‘field’]->id == 25){ //change 25 to your field id $value = ‘new value here’; } return $value; }Continue reading
add_filter( ‘frm_csv_columns’, ‘remove_id_column’, 10, 2 ); function remove_id_column( $headings, $form_id ) { if ( $form_id == 5 ) { //change 5 to your Form ID unset( $headings[‘id’] ); //change id to the header of the column to be removed }…Continue reading
add_filter( ‘frm_csv_columns’, ‘change_column_name’, 10, 2 ); function change_column_name( $headings, $form_id ) { $new_labels = array( 25 => ‘New label’, 26 => ‘Another label’ ); //change 25 and 26 to your Field IDs, and the labels to the ones you would…Continue reading
add_filter(‘frm_after_display_content’, ‘add_view_total_to_after_content’, 30, 4); function add_view_total_to_after_content($after_content, $display, $show, $atts){ if ( $display->ID == 1066 ) {//Change 1066 to the ID of your View $entries = $atts[‘entry_ids’]; $total = 0; foreach($entries as $entry){ $current_value = FrmProEntriesController::get_field_value_shortcode(array( ‘field_id’ => x, ‘entry’ =>…Continue reading
add_filter(‘frm_display_entry_content’, ‘frm_get_row_num’, 20, 7); function frm_get_row_num($new_content, $entry, $shortcodes, $display, $show, $odd, $atts){ if ( $display->ID == 169 ) { if ( isset($_GET[‘frm-page-‘ . $display->ID]) ) { $page_num = absint( $_GET[‘frm-page-‘ . $display->ID] ); $page_size = $display->frm_page_size; $prev_total = ($page_num –…Continue reading
add_filter(‘frm_display_entries_content’, ‘frm_replace_content’, 20, 4); function frm_replace_content($new_content, $entries, $shortcodes, $display){ if($display->ID == 1066){//Replace 1066 with the ID of your View $new_content = “Your custom content here”; } return $new_content; }Continue reading