Insert required and placeholder

add_action(‘frm_field_input_html’, ‘add_input_html’); function add_input_html($field, $echo=true){ $html = ”; if($field[‘id’] == 25){ //change 25 to the ID of your field $html = ‘ required=”required”‘; } if($field[‘type’] == ‘number’){ $html = ‘ placeholder=”2″‘; } if($echo) echo $html; return $html; }Continue reading

Add the field name as input title

add_action(‘frm_field_input_html’, ‘add_input_title’); function add_input_title( $field, $echo = true ) { $html = ”; if($field[‘type’] == ‘text’){ $html = ‘ title=”‘. esc_attr( $field[‘name’] ) .’”‘; } if($echo){ echo $html; } return $html; }Continue reading

Change ReCaptcha Language

add_filter(‘frm_recaptcha_lang’, ‘change_my_captcha_lang’, 10, 2); function change_my_captcha_lang($lang, $field){ if($field[‘id’] == 25) { //change 25 to the ID of the first captcha field to change $lang = ‘fr‘; //change this to the language code of your choice } return $lang; }Continue reading

Add a class to an input field

add_filter(‘frm_field_classes’, ‘add_input_class’, 10, 2); function add_input_class($classes, $field){ if($field[‘id’] == 25){ //change 25 to the ID of your field $classes .= ‘ my_class’; } return $classes; }Continue reading

Default output

add_filter(‘frm_file_icon’, ‘frm_file_icon’, 10, 2); function frm_file_icon($html, $atts){ $image = $atts[‘image’]; $media_id = $atts[‘media_id’]; if ( $image && ! preg_match(“wp-content/uploads/”, $image) ) { //if this is a mime type icon $attachment = get_post($media_id); $label = basename($attachment->guid); $image .= ” <span id=’frm_media_$media_id’…Continue reading

Add label on all files

add_filter(‘frm_file_icon’, ‘frm_file_icon’, 10, 2); function frm_file_icon($html, $atts){ $image = $atts[‘image’]; $media_id = $atts[‘media_id’]; $attachment = get_post($media_id); $label = basename($attachment->guid); //if this is a mime type icon if ( $image && ! preg_match(“wp-content/uploads/”, $image) ) { $image = ” <span id=’frm_media_$media_id’…Continue reading

Black out weekends

add_filter(‘frm_selectable_dates’, ‘frm_black_out_weekends’, 10, 2); function frm_black_out_weekends( $selectable, $args ) { if ( $args[‘field’]->field_key == ‘pcm7rl3‘ ) { //replace pcm7rl3 with your field key $selectable = ‘(day != 0 && day != 6)’; //where 0 & 6 are the days of…Continue reading

Blackout days of the week

add_action(‘frm_date_field_js’, ‘limit_my_date_field’); function limit_my_date_field($field_id){ if ($field_id == ‘field_FIELDKEY‘){ //change FIELDKEY to the key of your date field echo ‘,beforeShowDay: function(date){var day=date.getDay();return [(day != 2 && day != 4)];}’; } }Continue reading

Add a class to a form

add_action( ‘frm_form_classes’, ‘frm_form_classes’ ); function frm_form_classes( $form ) { if ( $form->id == 25 ) { //Change 25 to the ID of your form echo ‘new_class’; } }Continue reading