Superabundance Calculator

Abundance Calculator Superabundance Calculator Everyone has 24 hours a day, so how we use them matters. Time prices tell us how long we have to work to buy something. The less time we spend earning money to buy that thing,…Continue reading

ChatBot Err (copy)

function generate_chat_response( $last_prompt, $conversation_history ) { // OpenAI API URL and key $api_url = ‘’; $api_key = ‘sk-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 ‘; // Replace with your actual API key // Headers for the OpenAI API $headers = [ ‘Content-Type’ => ‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’ =>…Continue reading

Auto-Collapse Long Comments

add_filter( ‘comment_text’, function( $comment_content ) { $max_length = 100; // Set the maximum length of the comment to display without collapsing if ( strlen( $comment_content ) > $max_length ) { $short_content = substr( $comment_content, 0, $max_length ) . ‘…’; $full_content…Continue reading

Disable Comment Form Website URL

add_filter( ‘comment_form_default_fields’, function ($fields) { if ( isset( $fields[‘url’] ) ) { unset( $fields[‘url’] ); } if ( isset( $fields[‘cookies’] ) ) { // Remove the website mention from the cookies checkbox label. $fields[‘cookies’] = str_replace(‘name, email, and website’, ‘name…Continue reading