Untitled Snippet

i want a on off button that when press each other send logical true if press on and false when press off …i want this for local web page that control IoT thing with microcontroller that writted with c++ and…Continue reading

Disable WPCode Conversion Pixels addon global scripts

add_filter( ‘wpcode_get_snippets_for_location’, function ( $snippets, $location ) { if ( ‘site_wide_header’ !== $location ) { return $snippets; } foreach ( $snippets as $key => $snippet ) { if ( ! is_int( $snippet->id ) && false !== strpos( $snippet->id, ‘pixel_’ )…Continue reading

Increase After Order Actions Delay

add_filter( ‘edd_after_payment_actions_delay’, function( $delay ) { // Change this to the number of seconds you want to delay by. Suggested values are 60 or 90. $delay = 60; return $delay; } );Continue reading