MemberPress: Rearranging Navigation Items On The Account Page
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function memberpress_account_subs_display( $atts, $content=” ) { if( !class_exists( ‘MeprAccountCtrl’ ) ) { return; } ob_start(); $acct_ctrl = new MeprAccountCtrl(); $action = ( isset($_REQUEST[ ‘action’ ] ) )?$_REQUEST[ ‘action’ ]:false; switch( $action ) { case ‘cancel’: $acct_ctrl->cancel(); break; case ‘suspend’: $acct_ctrl->suspend();…Continue reading
function mepr_show_nav_menu() { if(!class_exists( ‘MeprAccountCtrl’ ) ) { return; } $mepr_options = MeprOptions::fetch(); $_REQUEST[ ‘action’ ] = ‘mepr-fake’; $old_uri = $_SERVER[ ‘REQUEST_URI’ ]; $parsed = parse_url( $mepr_options->account_page_url() ); $_SERVER[ ‘REQUEST_URI’ ] = $parsed[ ‘path’ ]; // The [mepr-account-nav-menu] shortcode will…Continue reading
function mepr_show_account_fields( $user ) { $bio = get_user_meta( $user->ID, ‘description’, true ); ?> Bio:Continue reading
function mepr_logout_confirmation() { ?>Continue reading
function mepr_acount_links_shortcode() { $mepr_options = MeprOptions::fetch(); $account_url = $mepr_options->account_page_url(); $links = ‘ ‘; $links .= ‘ Home ‘; $links .= ‘ Subscriptions ‘; $links .= ‘ Payments ‘; $links .= ‘ Courses ‘; $links .= ‘ Logout ‘; $links .=…Continue reading
function mepr_remove_pause_link( $output, $sub ) { if ( ’48’ == $sub->product_id ) { return; } return $output; } add_filter( ‘mepr_custom_pause_link’, ‘mepr_remove_pause_link’, 10, 2 );Continue reading
function mepr_account_links_shortcode() { $mepr_options = MeprOptions::fetch(); $account_url = $mepr_options->account_page_url(); $links = ‘ ‘; $links .= ‘ Home ‘; $links .= ‘ Subscriptions ‘; $links .= ‘ Payments ‘; $links .= ‘ Courses ‘; $links .= ‘ Logout ‘; $links .=…Continue reading
function mepr_reorder_fields() { ?>Continue reading