Duplicate Post/Page Link (copy)

// Add duplicate button to post/page list of actions. add_filter( ‘post_row_actions’, ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’, 10, 2 ); add_filter( ‘page_row_actions’, ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’, 10, 2 ); // Let’s make sure the function doesn’t already exist. if ( ! function_exists( ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’ ) ) { /** *…Continue reading

Duplicate Post/Page Link

// Add duplicate button to post/page list of actions. add_filter( ‘post_row_actions’, ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’, 10, 2 ); add_filter( ‘page_row_actions’, ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’, 10, 2 ); // Let’s make sure the function doesn’t already exist. if ( ! function_exists( ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’ ) ) { /** *…Continue reading


// Add duplicate button to post/page list of actions. add_filter( ‘post_row_actions’, ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’, 10, 2 ); add_filter( ‘page_row_actions’, ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’, 10, 2 ); // Let’s make sure the function doesn’t already exist. if ( ! function_exists( ‘wpcode_snippet_duplicate_post_link’ ) ) { /** *…Continue reading

Show User Name

function show_loggedin_function( $atts ) { global $current_user, $user_login; get_currentuserinfo(); add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’); if ($user_login) return ‘Welcome ‘ . $current_user->display_name . ‘!’; else return ‘Login‘; } add_shortcode( ‘show_loggedin_as’, ‘show_loggedin_function’ );Continue reading

Publish Future Posts

function fulano_prevent_future_type( $post_data ) { if ( $post_data[‘post_status’] == ‘future’ ) { $post_data[‘post_status’] = ‘publish’; } return $post_data; } add_filter(‘wp_insert_post_data’, ‘fulano_prevent_future_type’); remove_action(‘future_post’, ‘_future_post_hook’);Continue reading