get one entry from a formidable form

/** Funktion zur Ermittlung aller Einträge in einem Formidable Form. Optional kann mit einem $searchTerm gefiltert werden. */ function getOneEntryFromForm($entry_id) { // API-Schlüssel abrufen $frmApiKey = getFormidableApiKey(); // Die vollständige API-URL $url = “” . $entry_id; // Optionen für die…Continue reading

get all entries from a form

/** Funktion zur Ermittlung aller Einträge in einem Formidable Form. Optional kann mit einem $searchTerm gefiltert werden. */ function getFormidableDataFromForm($formId, $searchTerm) { // API-Schlüssel abrufen $frmApiKey = getFormidableApiKey(); // Die URL für die Anfrage zusammenstellen $searchstring = ”; if (!empty($searchTerm))…Continue reading

Enable Downloads in the WP REST API

/** * Adds additional arguments into the post type registration for downloads. * * @param array $download_args The existing array of arguments. * * @return array */ function eddwp_add_rest_for_dls( $download_args ) { $download_args[‘show_in_rest’] = true; $download_args[‘rest_base’] = ‘downloads’; return $download_args;…Continue reading

Include Subscriptions in API

function pw_edd_recurring_include_payments_in_api( $query ) { if( ! defined( ‘EDD_DOING_API’ ) || ! EDD_DOING_API ) { return; } $query->__set( ‘post_status’, array( ‘publish’, ‘complete’, ‘edd_subscription’ ) ); } add_action( ‘edd_pre_get_payments’, ‘pw_edd_recurring_include_payments_in_api’, 100 );Continue reading

Get YouTube API

function theme_youtube_api($media){ $ids = array(); foreach($media as $m){$ids[] = theme_get_video_id(get_field(‘video_url’,$m->ID));} $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,”,statistics&id=”.implode(‘,’,$ids).’&key=’.YOUTUBE_APIKEY); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HEADER,0); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json = json_decode($output); $info = array(); foreach($json->items as $v){ $o = new stdClass(); $duration = str_replace(array(‘PT’,’H’,’M’,’S’),array(”,’:’,’:’,”),$v->contentDetails->duration); $duration_parts = explode(‘:’,$duration); $pad_parts…Continue reading