Round Percent Donated To Whole Number

/** * Display percent donated as rounded whole number. * * @param string $return * @param int $percent * @return string */ function ed_round_percent_donated_to_whole_number( $return, $percent ) { return ceil( $percent ) . ‘%’; } add_filter( ‘charitable_percent_donated’, ‘ed_round_percent_donated_to_whole_number’, 10, 2…Continue reading

Remove Campaign Stats Loop

/** * Remove the progress bar and funds raised from the campaigns grid/loop. */ function ed_charitable_remove_campaign_stats_in_loop() { remove_action( ‘charitable_campaign_content_loop_after’, ‘charitable_template_campaign_progress_bar’, 6 ); remove_action( ‘charitable_campaign_content_loop_after’, ‘charitable_template_campaign_loop_donation_stats’, 8 ); } add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘ed_charitable_remove_campaign_stats_in_loop’, 20 );Continue reading

Add Campaigns Menu

/** * This function will add a top-level Campaigns menu tab to the menu * in the WordPress dashboard. * * For the most part this isn’t required, but you may find it more * convenient this way. * *…Continue reading

Change Amount Donated

/** * This code snippet shows how you can change what amount is shown as donated for a particular campaign. * * @param string $amount The default amount. * @param Charitable_Campaign $campaign The campaign we’re getting this for. * @param…Continue reading

Disable Description Text Sanitization

/** * Don’t sanitize campaign description text. * * This can be used if you want to allow HTML to be added to the campaign description, * which would otherwise get filtered out. * * This snippet only works with…Continue reading

Add Campaign Progress Bar Shortcode

/** * Add a new shortcode to display the progress bar for a particular campaign. * * After adding this, you can display a particular campaign’s progress bar with * the following: * * [charitable_progress_bar campaign_id=123] */ add_shortcode( ‘charitable_progress_bar’, function(…Continue reading

Change Campaign Slug Base

/** * By default, campaigns are located at * * If you want to change the /campaigns/ bit to something else, you * can modify the campaign post type definition using the example below. * * In this example,…Continue reading

Change Campaign Finished Notice

/** * Change the notice shown for campaigns when they are finished. * * This notice is only shown in certain themes (Reach, for example). */ add_filter( ‘charitable_campaign_finished_notice’, function( $message, Charitable_Campaign $campaign ) { /* If the campaign is ongoing,…Continue reading

Change Campaign Rewrite To Not Use With Front

/** * Customizes the definition of the campaign post type, setting the * with_front option to false. * * @param array $post_type_args * @return array */ function ed_set_campaign_post_type_to_not_use_front( $post_type_args ) { $post_type_args[‘rewrite’][‘with_front’] = false; return $post_type_args; } add_filter( ‘charitable_campaign_post_type’, ‘ed_set_campaign_post_type_to_not_use_front’…Continue reading