Combined Date – Time Format (Do something with the Local End Time) | Display Eventbrite Events
add_filter( ‘wfea_eventbrite_event_end’, function ( $end ) { // do you stuff to update $end return $end; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading
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add_filter( ‘wfea_eventbrite_event_end’, function ( $end ) { // do you stuff to update $end return $end; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wfea_eventbrite_event_start’, function ( $start ) { // do you stuff to update $start return $start; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wfea_event_time’, function ( $event_time, $start, $end ) { // do you stuff to update $event_time return $event_time; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wfea_combined_date_time_date_format’, function ( $format ) { return ‘jS F’; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘wfea_combined_date_time_time_format’, function ( $format ) { return ‘g:i a’; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading