Remove Free Text

function pw_edd_remove_free( $form, $args ) { $form = str_replace( ‘Free – Purchase’, ‘Purchase’ , $form ); return $form; } add_filter( ‘edd_purchase_download_form’, ‘pw_edd_remove_free’, 10, 2 );Continue reading

Enable Comments

function pw_edd_comments() { add_post_type_support( ‘download’, ‘comments’ ); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘pw_edd_comments’, 999 );Continue reading

Exclude downloads from search

function sumobi_download_post_type_args( $download_args ) { $download_args[‘exclude_from_search’] = true; return $download_args; } add_filter( ‘edd_download_post_type_args’, ‘sumobi_download_post_type_args’ );Continue reading

Change Number of Downloads in Bundle Select

// Remove original bundle item select field which defaults to 30 items function kjm_remove_old_bundle_field() { remove_action( ‘edd_meta_box_files_fields’, ‘edd_render_products_field’, 10 ); } add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘kjm_remove_old_bundle_field’ ); // Add back bundle select field with ‘number’ specified function kjm_render_products_field( $post_id ) { $type…Continue reading

Replace Add to Cart with Download

function ck_edd_user_download_button( $purchase_form, $args ) { global $edd_options; if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) { return $purchase_form; } $download_id = (string)$args[‘download_id’]; $current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); // If the user has purchased this item, itterate through their purchases to get the specific // purchase…Continue reading

Show Featured Image With Purchase Link

function sumobi_edd_purchase_link_show_featured_image( $download_id ) { echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $download_id, ‘thumbnail’ ); } add_action( ‘edd_purchase_link_top’, ‘sumobi_edd_purchase_link_show_featured_image’ );Continue reading

Reverse variable pricing

function sumobi_edd_purchase_variable_prices( $variable_prices, $download_id ) { krsort( $variable_prices ); return $variable_prices; } add_filter( ‘edd_purchase_variable_prices’, ‘sumobi_edd_purchase_variable_prices’, 10, 2 ); /** * make sure the last option in array is checked (highest priced item) */ function sumobi_edd_price_option_checked( $checked, $download_id, $key ) {…Continue reading

Download Archive Purchase Buttons

// remove original filter that adds purchase button below download content remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘edd_after_download_content’ ); // add adjusted filter that includes “is_archive()” function custom_edd_after_download_content( $content ) { global $post; if ( $post && $post->post_type == ‘download’ && ( is_singular( ‘download’…Continue reading