MemberPress: Dynamic Trial Periods

//Sets up a trial period on MemberPress such that ALL users renew on March 31st. function mepr_days_until($date){ return (isset($date)) ? floor((strtotime($date) – time())/60/60/24) : false; } function mepr_update_mepr_trial_period() { $prd = new MeprProduct(123); //CHANGE 123 to the ID of your…Continue reading

Add dynamic copyright year (center) to footer

// This will output “Copyright © 2024” (or the current year) in the footer automatically. $copyright = “Copyright &#169 ” ; $current_year = date( ‘Y’ ) ; $copyright_year = $copyright . $current_year ; // Add CSS classes for styling. For…Continue reading

Add dynamic copyright year

// This will output “Copyright © 2024.” or the current year automatically. $copyright = “Copyright © ” ; $current_year = date( ‘Y’ ) ; $copyright_year = ‘‘ . $copyright . $current_year . ‘.‘ ; echo $copyright_year; // Style in CSS…Continue reading