Limit Cart to One Item
function pw_edd_one_item_checkout( $download_id, $options ) { if( edd_get_cart_quantity() >= 1 ) { edd_empty_cart(); } } add_action( ‘edd_pre_add_to_cart’, ‘pw_edd_one_item_checkout’, 10, 2 );Continue reading
Join 2,000,000+ Professionals who use WPCode to Future-Proof Their Websites!
function pw_edd_one_item_checkout( $download_id, $options ) { if( edd_get_cart_quantity() >= 1 ) { edd_empty_cart(); } } add_action( ‘edd_pre_add_to_cart’, ‘pw_edd_one_item_checkout’, 10, 2 );Continue reading
/* * Sets the cart expiration to 48 hours */ function pw_edd_set_cart_expiration( $seconds ) { return 172800; // 48 hours in seconds } add_filter( ‘wp_session_expiration’,’pw_edd_set_cart_expiration’, 999990 );Continue reading
function pw_edd_do_on_complete_purchase( $payment_id = 0 ) { // Execute your code here } add_action( ‘edd_complete_purchase’, ‘pw_edd_do_on_complete_purchase’ );Continue reading
function sumobi_edd_receipt_show_download_files() { return false; } add_filter( ‘edd_receipt_show_download_files’, ‘sumobi_edd_receipt_show_download_files’ );Continue reading
/** * Unhook default EDD discount field */ remove_action( ‘edd_checkout_form_top’, ‘edd_discount_field’, -1 ); /** * Show discount field by default * If you want a button, simply add Apply discount after the input field. * Because the discount is applied…Continue reading
/* * Modify the required fields for checkout * * Fields are identified by the input fields “name” attribute. * * This example shows how to make the last name field, which has a name attribute of “edd_last”, required */…Continue reading
function edd_custom_cart_row_text() { ?> This is your custom textContinue reading
function pw_edd_add_customer_to_level( $payment_id = 0 ) { $user_id = edd_get_payment_user_id( $payment_id ); if( $user_idContinue reading
function pw_edd_payment_icon( $icons = array() ) { $icons[‘url/to/your/image/icon.png’] = ‘Name of the Payment Method’; return $icons; } add_filter( ‘edd_accepted_payment_icons’, ‘pw_edd_payment_icon’ );Continue reading
function sumobi_edd_purchase_form_before_submit() { ?> Your custom textContinue reading