Continue Shopping Button

add_action( ‘edd_cart_footer_buttons’, ‘ck_edd_continue_shopping_button’, 1 ); function ck_edd_continue_shopping_button() { $color = edd_get_option( ‘checkout_color’, ‘green’ ); $color = ( $color == ‘inherit’ ) ? ” : $color; ?> “>Continue reading

Modify User Role on Checkout

function pw_edd_customer_user_role( $user_args, $user_data ) { // Set the role to the role you wish customers to have $user_args[‘role’] = ‘customer’; return $user_args; } add_filter( ‘edd_insert_user_args’, ‘pw_edd_customer_user_role’, 10, 2 );Continue reading

Prevent Discounts on Renewals

function kfg_check_if_is_renewal( $return, $discount_id ) { // Check if the discount code is valid and is not for renewals. if ( EDD()->session->get( ‘edd_is_renewal’ ) ) { edd_set_error( ‘edd-discount-error’, __( ‘This discount is not valid with renewals.’, ‘edd’ ) ); return…Continue reading

Custom Terms Page

/** * Change $page_id to the ID of your terms page below */ function sumobi_edd_terms_agreement() { global $edd_options; if ( isset( $edd_options[‘show_agree_to_terms’] ) ) : ?>Continue reading

Force Minimum Password Length at Checkout

function sumobi_edd_set_minimum_password_length( $valid_data, $post_data ) { // how many characters should the password be? $length = 8; if ( strlen( $post_data[‘edd_user_pass’] ) < $length ) { edd_set_error( 'password_too_short', sprintf( __( 'Please enter a password of %s characters or more.', 'edd'…Continue reading

Limit Purchase Total

function pw_edd_limit_total_purchase() { if( edd_get_cart_total() > 100 ) { edd_set_error( ‘too_much’, ‘You cannot purchase that much at one time.’ ); } } add_action( ‘edd_checkout_error_checks’, ‘pw_edd_limit_total_purchase’ );Continue reading

Disable PayPal for Multi-Item Checkout

function pw_edd_disable_paypal_on_multi_item_checkout( $gateways ) { global $wp_query; if ( ! empty( $wp_query ) && edd_is_checkout() && count( edd_get_cart_contents() ) > 1 ) { $paypal_gateways = array( ‘paypal’, ‘paypalexpress’, ‘paypalpro’, ‘paypal_commerce’, ); foreach ( $paypal_gateways as $paypal ) { if (…Continue reading

Checkout Cart Thumbnail Size

function edd_custom_change_checkout_thumb_image_size( $dimensions ) { $dimensions = array( 60, 60 ); // array( width, height ) in pixels return $dimensions; } add_filter( ‘edd_checkout_image_size’, ‘edd_custom_change_checkout_thumb_image_size’ );Continue reading

Remove Discount Field

function pw_edd_remove_discount_field() { remove_action( ‘edd_checkout_form_top’, ‘edd_discount_field’, -1 ); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘pw_edd_remove_discount_field’ );Continue reading