Add Featured Image Column

add_filter( ‘manage_posts_columns’, function ( $columns ) { // You can change this to any other position by changing ‘title’ to the name of the column you want to put it after. $move_after = ‘title’; $move_after_key = array_search( $move_after, array_keys( $columns…Continue reading

Default Featured Image

// Go to Settings > Media after activating this snippet to set the default featured image. add_action( ‘admin_init’, function() { register_setting( ‘media’, ‘default_featured_image’, ‘absint’ ); add_settings_field( ‘default_featured_image’, __( ‘Default Featured Image’, ‘wpcode-snippet’ ), function() { wp_enqueue_media(); $image_id = get_option( ‘default_featured_image’,…Continue reading

Add Featured Image Column

add_filter( ‘manage_posts_columns’, function ( $columns ) { // You can change this to any other position by changing ‘title’ to the name of the column you want to put it after. $move_after = ‘title’; $move_after_key = array_search( $move_after, array_keys( $columns…Continue reading

Add Featured Image Column

add_filter( ‘manage_posts_columns’, function ( $columns ) { // You can change this to any other position by changing ‘title’ to the name of the column you want to put it after. $move_after = ‘title’; $move_after_key = array_search( $move_after, array_keys( $columns…Continue reading