How to Disable Comments on Event Posts? | Quick Event Manager
add_filter(‘comments_open’, function ($open, $post_id) { $post = get_post($post_id); if ($post->post_type == ‘event’) { return false; } return $open; }, 10, 2);Continue reading
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add_filter(‘comments_open’, function ($open, $post_id) { $post = get_post($post_id); if ($post->post_type == ‘event’) { return false; } return $open; }, 10, 2);Continue reading
add_filter( ‘qem_event_register’, /** * @param $args * * @return array */ function ( $args ) { $args[‘rewrite’] = array( ‘slug’ => ‘my_custom_event_slug’ ); return $args; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading
add_filter( /** * * Filter the decision to send an admin confirmation or not * * @param $bool * * @return bool overrides any logic if set to true, if set to false then standard rules apply */ ‘qem_registration_always_confirm_admin’, function…Continue reading
add_filter( /** * * Filter the decision to send a confirmation or not * * @param $bool * * @return bool overrides any logic if set to true, if set to false then standard rules apply */ ‘qem_registration_always_confirm’, function (…Continue reading
add_filter( /** * * Filter the message generated to email confirmation * * @param $message * @param $content * @param $details * @param $close * @param $id * @param $payment * * @return string output message for registration email */…Continue reading
add_filter( /** * Filter the autoresponder content * this can be used to add custom shortcodes * * @param $msg * @param $id * @param $payment * * @return string content for autoresponder */ ‘qem_autoresponder-message-content’, function ( $msg, $id, $payment…Continue reading