
/** * Shortcode [targets_priority] * Displays an improved Bootstrap table with color-coded progress bars/badges. */ function crx_targets_priority_shortcode($atts) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return “ Please log in to see your priority ranking. “; } global $wpdb; $T = crx_get_targets(); $user_id =…Continue reading

[Condition] TranslatePress in Breakdance Builder | WordPress

add_action(“breakdance_register_template_types_and_conditions”, function () { if (function_exists(“trp_get_languages”)) { $lang_list_full = trp_get_languages(); $lang_list = array(); foreach($lang_list_full as $key => $value) { $lang_list[] = $key; } \Breakdance\ConditionsAPI\register([ “supports” => [“element_display”, “templating”], “slug” => “TranslatePress4bd-condition”, // MUST BE UNIQUE “label” => “Language”, “category” =>…Continue reading

Coded Options Page

// 1️⃣ Admin Menüpunkt für die globale Einstellungsseite hinzufügen function my_custom_global_settings() { add_menu_page( ‘Globale Einstellungen’, // Seitentitel ‘Globale Daten’, // Menüpunkt-Name ‘manage_options’, // Berechtigung ‘global-settings’, // Slug ‘my_global_settings_page’, // Callback-Funktion ‘dashicons-admin-generic’, // Icon 80 // Position im Menü ); }…Continue reading

Disable editor in Posts & Pages

function disable_editor_for_selected_post_types() { $disabled_post_types = array(‘post’, ‘page’); // Liste der zu deaktivierenden Post-Typen foreach ($disabled_post_types as $post_type) { remove_post_type_support($post_type, ‘editor’); } } add_action(‘init’, ‘disable_editor_for_selected_post_types’);Continue reading

Remove Google Font

// Entfernt Google Fonts von WordPress und Breakdance function remove_google_fonts() { global $wp_styles; // Durch alle registrierten Styles iterieren und Google Fonts entfernen foreach ($wp_styles->registered as $handle => $style) { if (strpos($style->src, ‘fonts.googleapis.com’) !== false) { wp_dequeue_style($handle); wp_deregister_style($handle); } }…Continue reading

Time Schedule calculation test

/** * Functionality: * – Checks database for events scheduled 5 minutes from now. * – Parses event times from your database table. * – Triggers FlowMattic workflows 5 minutes before the event time. * – Updates the database to…Continue reading