function load_mathjax_and_react() { // 1) MathJax v3 config => define window.MathJax in an inline script wp_register_script(‘mathjax-config’, ”, [], null, true); wp_add_inline_script( ‘mathjax-config’, ‘window.MathJax = { tex: { // Recognize (…) for inline and $$…$$ or […] for display math inlineMath:…Continue reading
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, function() { // 1) Enqueue Syncfusion Material CSS (v22.1.34) wp_register_style( ‘syncfusion-styles’, ‘’, [], ‘22.1.34’ ); wp_enqueue_style(‘syncfusion-styles’); // 2) Enqueue Syncfusion EJ2 JS (v22.1.34) wp_register_script( ‘syncfusion-js’, ‘’, [], ‘22.1.34’, true // load in footer ); wp_enqueue_script(‘syncfusion-js’); // 3) Register your…Continue reading
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘cardioxon_enqueue_assets’, 20); function cardioxon_enqueue_assets() { // 1) Bootstrap 5.3.3 CSS wp_enqueue_style( ‘bootstrap-5’, ‘[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css’, [], ‘5.3.3’ ); // 2) Bootstrap 5.3.3 JS bundle wp_enqueue_script( ‘bootstrap-5-bundle’, ‘[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js’, [], ‘5.3.3’, true ); // 3) Chart.js wp_enqueue_script( ‘chartjs’, ‘[email protected]/dist/chart.umd.min.js’, [], ‘4.4.0’, true );…Continue reading
/** * SHORTCODE + AJAX HANDLER FOR BMI FORM */ /** * 1. Shortcode: [bmi_form] * – Auto-fills height from db/localStorage * – Collects height/weight using Syncfusion * – Validates input range * – Submits via AJAX (action: ‘bmi_submit_data’) *…Continue reading
/** * Shortcode: [bmi_table] * Displays stored BMI records in a Syncfusion Grid: * – Date * – Weight (rounded) * – BMI * – Category * Allows deletion via Bootstrap modal (no row highlight). */ add_shortcode(‘bmi_table’, function(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return…Continue reading
/** * Title: BMI Gauge * Shortcode: [bmi_gauge] * Priority: 15 */ function cdx_bmi_gauge_shortcode() { ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * Shortcode: [bmi_stage_syncgrid] * Shows a static table of BMI categories. highlightBmiStageRow(stage,color) * is used by [bmi_interpretation] to color the correct row. */ add_shortcode(‘bmi_stage_syncgrid’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * Shortcode: [bmi_interpretation] * Displays textual interpretation => “Your BMI is X => Category” * Also calls highlightBmiStageRow(…) on [bmi_stage_syncgrid]. */ add_shortcode(‘bmi_interpretation’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * Title: BMI ChartLine * Shortcode: [bmi_chartline] * Priority: 30 */ add_shortcode(‘bmi_chartline’, function(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return “ You must be logged in to see the BMI chart. “; } global $wpdb; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $table = $wpdb->prefix.’crx_bmi_data’; // Query user’s…Continue reading
/** * Plugin Name: eGFR Plugin (Bootstrap + Manual Checks + Stage Highlight + Alerts) * Description: Final integrated code: eGFR form with manual checks, row highlight, stage highlight with gauge color, plus Bootstrap alerts for validation. */ if(!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) {…Continue reading