add_shortcode(‘egfr_table’, function(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return “ You must be logged in to see eGFR data. “; } global $wpdb; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $table = $wpdb->prefix.’crx_egfr_data’; // Fetch all eGFR rows, newest first. $rows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(” SELECT id, created_at, creat_value, creat_unit, egfr_value…Continue reading
if(!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) { exit; } /** * SHORTCODE: [egfr_gauge width=”500″ height=”500″] * Similar style to the BMI gauge (arc from 210..150), * but for eGFR in the range 0..120. * * Color-coded ranges from worst to best: * Stage 5 =>…Continue reading
if(!defined(‘ABSPATH’)){ exit; } /** * SHORTCODE: [egfr_stage_syncfusion] * – A 6-row Syncfusion Grid for CKD Stage references (1..5). * – highlightEgfrStageRow(stageName, color). */ add_shortcode(‘egfr_stage_syncfusion’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * Title: eGFR Interpretation * Shortcode: [egfr_interpretation] */ add_shortcode(‘egfr_interpretation’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * SHORTCODE: [kidney_linechart] * – Shows a Syncfusion line chart of eGFR (dynamic from DB). * – Title “eGFR Trends”, full width 100%. */ add_shortcode(‘kidney_linechart’, function(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return “ You must be logged in to see the eGFR chart.…Continue reading
/** * Title: Sugar Form * Shortcode: [sugar_form] * Description: Collects Glucose (mg/dL or mmol/L) + optional A1C, inserts into wp_crx_sugar_data. */ /******************************************************* * 1) SUGAR FORM SHORTCODE + INSERT AJAX *******************************************************/ add_shortcode(‘sugar_form’, function() { // Only for logged in…Continue reading
/******************************************************* * 2) SUGAR TABLE SHORTCODE + DELETE AJAX *******************************************************/ /** * Shortcode: [sugar_table] * – Displays sugar data (Date, Glucose, A1C) in a Syncfusion Grid * – Allows row deletion via a Bootstrap modal */ add_shortcode(‘sugar_table’, function(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return…Continue reading
/** * Title: HbA1C Gauge * Shortcode: [hba1c_gauge] * Description: A 0..14% circular gauge for A1C, mimicking the same style as [glucose_gauge]. */ add_shortcode(‘hba1c_gauge’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * Title: Glucose Gauge * Shortcode: [glucose_gauge] * Description: A 40..600 mg/dL circular gauge. */ add_shortcode(‘glucose_gauge’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading
/** * SHORTCODE: [hba1c_stage_syncgrid] * – 3-row classification for A1C: * Normal (Continue reading