function custom_woo_ce_filename_tag_time( $time ) { // Override the time format and pass it back to the Store Exporter Deluxe $time = date( ‘Hi’, current_time( ‘timestamp’ ) ); return $time; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_filename_tag_time’, ‘custom_woo_ce_filename_tag_time’ );Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_get_order_items( $order_items, $order_id ) { foreach( $order_items as $key => $order_item ) { // Remove WordPress shortcodes from Order Items: Description $order_items[$key]->description = strip_shortcodes( $order_item->description ); // Remove Visual Composer markup from Order Items: Description $order_items[$key]->description = preg_replace(“~(?:\[/?)[^/\]]+/?\]~s”, ”,…Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_extend_product_item( $product, $product_id ) { // Remove WordPress shortcodes from Description $product->description = strip_shortcodes( $product->description ); // Remove Visual Composer markup from Description $product->description = preg_replace(“~(?:\[/?)[^/\]]+/?\]~s”, ”, $product->description ); return $product; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_product_item’, ‘custom_woo_ce_extend_product_item’, 10, 2 );Continue reading
function custom_woo_pd_is_valid_product_type( $output, $product_type ) { // All strings are sanitized and in lowercase case without spacing // Set all Product Type values of “Variabile” to “Variable” if( $product_type == ‘variabile’ ) $output = ‘variable’; // Set all Product Type…Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_get_product_title_attribute_formatting( $format = ‘slug’, $post_id ) { // Set the format to Attribute Title $format = ‘title’; return $format; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_get_product_title_attribute_formatting’, ‘custom_woo_ce_get_product_title_attribute_formatting’, 10, 2 );Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_wp_specialchars_decode( $string = ” ) { // Force all characters, including accented characters to be uppercase $string = mb_strtoupper( $string, ‘UTF-8’ ); return $string; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_wp_specialchars_decode’, ‘custom_woo_ce_wp_specialchars_decode’ );Continue reading
function custom_woo_pd_extend_options_addons( $fields ) { // Import field title: Average Rating (shown as a custom Product import field) // Import field key: average_rating (use this key throughout the below Filters) $fields[] = array( ‘name’ => ‘average_rating’, ‘label’ => __( ‘Average…Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_get_product_title_attribute_formatting( $format = ‘slug’, $post_id ) { // Set the format to Attribute Title $format = ‘title’; return $format; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_get_product_title_attribute_formatting’, ‘custom_woo_ce_get_product_title_attribute_formatting’, 10, 2 );Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields( $fields ) { $fields[] = array( ‘name’ => ‘shipping_address_full’, ‘label’ => ‘Shipping: All details’, ‘hover’ => ‘Custom Order field within functions.php’ ); return $fields; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_order_fields’, ‘custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields’ ); function custom_woo_ce_extend_order( $order, $order_id ) { $order->shipping_address_full = ”;…Continue reading
function custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields( $fields ) { $fields[] = array( ‘name’ => ‘shipping_address_full’, ‘label’ => ‘Shipping: All details’, ‘hover’ => ‘Custom Order field within functions.php’ ); return $fields; } add_filter( ‘woo_ce_order_fields’, ‘custom_woo_ce_extend_order_fields’ ); function custom_woo_ce_extend_order( $order, $order_id ) { $order->shipping_address_full = ”;…Continue reading