Disable Password Change Notification
/** * Disable the password change notification email. * – Prevents admin notifications when users change their passwords. */ add_filter(‘wp_password_change_notification_email’, ‘__return_false’);Continue reading
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/** * Disable the password change notification email. * – Prevents admin notifications when users change their passwords. */ add_filter(‘wp_password_change_notification_email’, ‘__return_false’);Continue reading
/** * Add custom CSS styles for the WordPress login page. * – Styles include a custom registration button and login field adjustments. */ function add_custom_login_styles() { echo ‘ ‘; } add_action(‘login_head’, ‘add_custom_login_styles’); /** * Disable the language dropdown on…Continue reading
function buddyboss_theme_child_languages() { load_theme_textdomain(‘buddyboss-theme’, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’); } add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘buddyboss_theme_child_languages’);Continue reading
add_filter(‘charitable_donation_summary’, ‘charitable_custom_donation_summary’, 10, 4 ); /** * Custom donation summary output. * * @param string $ret The default donation summary output. * @param Charitable_Campaign $campaign The campaign object. * @param int $amount The amount raised. * @param int $goal The…Continue reading
/* 1. Use a more-intuitive box-sizing model */ *, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; } /* 2. Remove default margin */ * { margin: 0; } body { /* 3. Add accessible line-height */ line-height: 1.5; /* 4. Improve text…Continue reading
function generate_photai_image() { // Check if the ‘prompt’ parameter is provided if (!isset($_POST[‘prompt’]) || empty(trim($_POST[‘prompt’]))) { wp_send_json_error([‘message’ => ‘Prompt is required.’]); return; } // Retrieve and validate additional styling information $style = isset($_POST[‘style’]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘style’]) : ‘cinematic’; // Retrieve and…Continue reading
function generate_freepik_image() { // Vérification du paramètre ‘prompt’ if (!isset($_POST[‘prompt’]) || empty(trim($_POST[‘prompt’]))) { wp_send_json_error([‘message’ => ‘Prompt is required.’]); return; } // Récupération et validation des données de style $style = isset($_POST[‘style’]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘style’]) : ‘photo’; $color = isset($_POST[‘color’]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘color’])…Continue reading
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, function () { // Enqueue your custom JavaScript file wp_enqueue_script( ‘unlock-chat-script’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/js/unlock-chat.js’, [‘jquery’], // Ensure dependencies like jQuery are loaded ‘1.0’, true // Load in the footer ); // Localize data for the JavaScript file wp_localize_script(‘unlock-chat-script’, ‘MyCredData’,…Continue reading
/** * Centralized messages for MyCred. */ function mycred_get_messages() { return [ ‘claim_button’ => ‘Claim my daily credits’, ‘error_not_logged_in’ => ‘Please log in to claim your credits.’, ‘error_no_membership’ => ‘No valid membership found.’, ‘error_already_claimed’ => ‘You’re all set! More credits…Continue reading
/** * Determine daily credits based on membership level. */ function get_daily_credits($membership_level) { switch ($membership_level->name ?? ”) { case ‘Chic’: return 1; case ‘Glamour’: return 5; case ‘Prestige’: return 10; default: return null; } }Continue reading