add_filter( ‘acf/shortcode/allow_unsafe_html’, function ( $allowed, $atts ) { $allowed = true; return $allowed; }, 10, 2 ); add_filter( ‘acf/the_field/allow_unsafe_html’, function( $allowed, $selector ) { $allowed = true; return $allowed; }, 10, 2 );Continue reading
// This code snippet provides dynamic data to a // In use for Elementor Templates // – Active Templates: Vendor Taxonomy Archive // – Vendor Taxonomies: Vendor Location, Vendor Zone, Vendor Pricing, Vendor Identity Attributes, Vendor Categories // Reference URL…Continue reading
// // Modifies the WP Grid Builder query to filter vendors based on matching ‘vendor-location’ // // taxonomy terms with the current post’s ‘post-location’ terms. // // This function is hooked into the WP Grid Builder’s query argument filter, //…Continue reading
// // Modifies the WP Grid Builder query to filter vendors based on matching ‘vendor-location’ // // taxonomy terms with the current post’s ‘post-location’ terms. // // This function is hooked into the WP Grid Builder’s query argument filter, //…Continue reading
// // Modifies the WP Grid Builder query to filter vendors based on matching ‘vendor-location’ // // taxonomy terms with the current post’s ‘post-location’ terms. // // This function is hooked into the WP Grid Builder’s query argument filter, //…Continue reading
// This code snippet ensures that vendors are displayed in the following order: // – Featured vendors (vendor posts with ‘status_ven_featured’ set to 1) in ascending order by post title // – Love list vendors (vendor posts with ‘status_ven_love_list’ set…Continue reading
// This code snippet ensures that vendors are displayed in the following order: // – Featured vendors (vendor posts with ‘status_ven_featured’ set to 1) in ascending order by post title // – Love list vendors (vendor posts with ‘status_ven_love_list’ set…Continue reading
// This code snippet ensures that vendors are displayed in the following order: // – Featured vendors (vendor posts with ‘status_ven_featured’ set to 1) in ascending order by post title // – Love list vendors (vendor posts with ‘status_ven_love_list’ set…Continue reading
// This code snippet provides dynamic data to a // In use for Elementor Templates // – Active Templates: Vendor Taxonomy Archive // – Vendor Taxonomies: Vendor Location, Vendor Zone, Vendor Pricing, Vendor Identity Attributes, Vendor Categories // Reference URL…Continue reading
/** * Create a custom Smart Tag Original doc link: For support, please visit: */ function wpf_dev_register_smarttag( $tags ) { // Key is the tag, item is the tag name. $tags[ ‘current_time’ ] = ‘Current Time’; return $tags;…Continue reading