
/** * SHORTCODE: [tg_stage_syncfusion] * 3 categories for Trig mg/dL: * “Optimal”, 150..199 => “Intermediate”, >=200 => “High” */ add_shortcode(‘tg_stage_syncfusion’, function(){ ob_start(); ?>Continue reading


/******************************************************* * 1) [whr_form] + AJAX insert => whr_submit_data *******************************************************/ add_shortcode(‘whr_form’, function() { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return “ You must be logged in to add data. “; } ob_start(); ?> Waist Unit Hip Unit Submit Your WHR measurement was saved…Continue reading

[whr_table], [whr_gauge], [whr_stage_syncfusion], [whr_interpretation]

/******************************************************* * 2) [whr_table], [whr_gauge], [whr_stage_syncfusion], [whr_interpretation] *******************************************************/ /** * SHORTCODE: [whr_table] * Lists records from wp_crx_whr_data => date, waist, hip, whr * Real-time => addWhrTableRow, custom delete => whr_delete_data */ add_shortcode(‘whr_table’, function(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return “ You must be logged…Continue reading

[hemo_form], [hemo_table]

/********************************************************* * BLOCK 1 * [hemo_form], [hemo_table], plus AJAX inserts/deletes *********************************************************/ /** * SHORTCODE: [hemo_form] * – Collect Systolic, Diastolic, Heart Rate (ints) * – Insert into wp_hemodynamic_data * – Real-time => table */ add_shortcode(‘hemo_form’, function() { if (!is_user_logged_in()) {…Continue reading

[bp_stage_syncfusion], [bp_chart], [bp_interpretation]

/********************************************************* * BLOCK 2 * Additional shortcodes: [bp_stage_syncfusion], [bp_chart], [bp_interpretation] * plus a helper function => bp_get_latest_reading() *********************************************************/ /** * HELPER => bp_get_latest_reading() * Returns { systolic, diastolic } or null if none found */ if(!function_exists(‘bp_get_latest_reading’)){ function bp_get_latest_reading(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()) return…Continue reading

[meta_form], [meta_table]

/********************************************************* * BLOCK 1 * [meta_form] + [meta_table] * => Insert job/exercise => wp_crx_metabolic_data * => Also store data in localStorage for [cdx_4scores] *********************************************************/ /** * SHORTCODE: [meta_form] */ add_shortcode(‘meta_form’, function() { if(!is_user_logged_in()){ return “ You must be logged in…Continue reading


/** * Plugin Name: Profile Plugin (Dynamic) * Description: Form to store user’s gender, DOB, and age into wp_crx_profile_data. Range check (19–79) with Syncfusion. Also pushes data to localStorage => cdx_personal_data + calls update4Scores(). */ /** * SHORTCODE: [profile_form] *…Continue reading


/** * Shortcode: [medication_form] * Collects (anti_hypertensive, statins, anti_diabetes) * Displays in a 3-column layout with Syncfusion radio buttons. * AJAX => ‘medication_submit_data_10’ */ add_shortcode(‘medication_form’, function () { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return “ You must be logged in to update…Continue reading


/** * Shortcode: [medical_profile] * Collects (current_smoker, diabetes, heart_attack_stroke) * Shows them in a 3-column layout with Syncfusion radio buttons. * AJAX => ‘medical_profile_submit’ */ add_shortcode(‘medical_profile’, function() { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return “ You must be logged in to update…Continue reading


/** * Plugin Name: CVD Risk Assessment (Matching Refresh Button Style) * Description: Shortcode [cvd_risk_assessment] with a 4-column layout and a gauge aligned similarly to MetS, plus a matching Refresh button. */ add_action(‘wp_ajax_get_cvd_data’,’handle_get_cvd_data’); function handle_get_cvd_data(){ if(!is_user_logged_in()){ wp_send_json_error([‘message’=>’Not logged in’]); }…Continue reading