Disable WP REST metadata

// Remove the REST API lines from the HTML Header remove_action(‘ wp_head’, ‘rest_output_link_wp_head’, 10 ); // completely disable json api // Filters for WP-API version 1.x add_filter( ‘json_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ ); add_filter( ‘json_jsonp_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ ); // Filters for WP-API version 2.x…Continue reading

PHP [Vendor Detail]: Vendor Taxonomy Term Link URL to Pre-Filtered Vendor Taxonomy Page

function custom_vendor_term_link($url, $term, $taxonomy){ switch ($taxonomy) { case ‘vendor-location’: return home_url(‘/vendor/?_vendor_location=’ . $term->slug); case ‘vendor-category’: return home_url(‘/vendor/?_vendor_category=’ . $term->slug); case ‘vendor-pricing’: return home_url(‘/vendor/?_vendor_pricing=’ . $term->slug); case ‘vendor-zone’: return home_url(‘/vendor/?_vendor_zone=’ . $term->slug); case ‘vendor-identity-attribute’: return home_url(‘/vendor/?_vendor_identity_attributes=’ . $term->slug); default: return $url;…Continue reading