/** * Plugin Name: Advanced Metrics (Bootstrap & LaTeX) * Description: Provides a [advanced_metrics] shortcode with a Bootstrap table, AJAX calculations, LaTeX formulas, and an info icon that opens a modal (placeholder). * Version: 2.0 * Author: YourName */ //…Continue reading
/** * Plugin Name: CDX 8 Scores (Bootstrap, Centered Formulas) * Description: Shortcode [cdx_4scores] => shows 8 body composition scores (BMR, TDEE, TBW, BFP, IBW, ABW, LBM, FFMI) in a responsive Bootstrap table with centered MathJax formulas. * Version: 1.0…Continue reading
// Description: This code defines two functions to fetch user data from the database based on a provided VG Number (vg_nummer). It retrieves the email, first_name, and last_name from the testing_Sumaiya table. Designed for integration with FlowMattic workflows to enable…Continue reading
/* Speed up or slow down the transition speed for lightbox images * * @link https://enviragallery.com/docs/changing-the-transition-speed-for-lightbox-images/ */ add_filter( ‘envira_gallery_get_config’, ‘my_envira_gallery_get_config’, 10, 2 ); function my_envira_gallery_get_config( $data_config, $key ) { $data_config[‘transition_duration’] = 5000; $data_config[‘animation_duration’] = 5000; return $data_config; }Continue reading
function restrict_links_in_buddypress_comments($content) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return $content; } $user = wp_get_current_user(); $allowed_roles = [‘administrator’, ‘contributor’]; // Vérifier si l’utilisateur est un contributeur ou un administrateur $user_can_post_links = array_intersect($allowed_roles, (array) $user->roles); // Si l’utilisateur n’est ni admin ni contributeur, bloquer…Continue reading
/* Removing “mail.readwrite” for the Outlook Mailer * * Original doc: https://wpmailsmtp.com/docs/removing-mail-readwrite-scope-for-the-outlook-mailer/ */ add_filter( ‘wp_mail_smtp_pro_providers_outlook_auth_get_scopes’, function ( $scopes ) { foreach ( $scopes as $key => $scope ) { if ( $scope === ‘https://graph.microsoft.com/mail.readwrite’ ) { unset( $scopes[ $key ]…Continue reading
$output = ”; // Check rows exists. $serving_size = get_field(‘serving_size’); $servings_per_container = get_field(‘servings_per_container’); $product_form = get_field(‘product_form’); $output .= ‘ Serving Size: ‘ . $serving_size . ‘ ‘ . $product_form . ‘ ‘; //$output .= ‘ Serving Size: ‘ . $serving_size…Continue reading