WPForms Revisions to Keep

/** * Form revision * @link https://wpforms.com/docs/how-to-use-form-revisions-in-wpforms/ */ add_filter( ‘wp_wpforms_revisions_to_keep’, function() { return -1; // -1 for unlimited, 0 to turn them off, >0 to set a specific limit } );Continue reading

Sort Events Category by Publish Date (Oldest First)

function sort_posts_by_category($query) { if ($query->is_main_query() && !is_admin()) { $oldest_first_categories = array(1483,1486,1485,1484,1482,1391); // Replace with the IDs of the categories where you want to display oldest posts first if (is_category($oldest_first_categories)) { // $query->set(‘order’, ‘ASC’); // $query->set(‘orderby’, ‘date’); $query->set( ‘meta_key’, ‘start-date’ );…Continue reading

Automatic CSS/JavaScript Cache Busting

/** * Replace the `ver` query arg with the file’s last modified timestamp * * @param string $src URL to a file * @return string Modified URL to a file */ function filter_cache_busting_file_src( $src = ” ) { global $wp_scripts;…Continue reading

PCC Selector

// https://staging-solaiscom.temp312.kinsta.cloud/product/lcs/ include constant(‘WP_PLUGIN_DIR’) . ‘/solais-pdf/fpdm/fpdm.php’; // Start the download function product_pdf_download_file() { if (isset($_GET[‘productpdf’]) && $_GET[‘productpdf’] = ‘download’) { $post_id = get_early_postid(); $product_sheet_url = get_product_sheet_url($post_id, true); $wp_content_dir = ‘/wp-content/’; if (!empty($product_sheet_url) && stripos($product_sheet_url, $wp_content_dir) !== false) { $pdf_template =…Continue reading