Set oEmbed Max Width
function wpcode_snippet_oembed_defaults( $sizes ) { return array( ‘width’ => 400, ‘height’ => 280, ); } add_filter( ’embed_defaults’, ‘wpcode_snippet_oembed_defaults’ );Continue reading
Join 2,000,000+ Professionals who use WPCode to Future-Proof Their Websites!
function wpcode_snippet_oembed_defaults( $sizes ) { return array( ‘width’ => 400, ‘height’ => 280, ); } add_filter( ’embed_defaults’, ‘wpcode_snippet_oembed_defaults’ );Continue reading
add_filter( ‘login_display_language_dropdown’, ‘__return_false’ );Continue reading
/** * Prevent publishing posts under a minimum number of words. * * @param int $post_id The id of the post. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * * @return void */ function wpcode_snippet_publish_min_words( $post_id, $post ) { //…Continue reading
/** * Wrap the thumbnail in a link to the post. * Only use this if your theme doesn’t already wrap thumbnails in a link. * * @param string $html The thumbnail HTML to wrap in an anchor. * @param…Continue reading
function wpcode_snippet_add_slug_body_class( $classes ) { global $post; if ( isset( $post ) ) { $classes[] = $post->post_type . ‘-‘ . $post->post_name; } return $classes; } add_filter( ‘body_class’, ‘wpcode_snippet_add_slug_body_class’ );Continue reading
function wpcode_snippet_replace_howdy( $wp_admin_bar ) { // Edit the line below to set what you want the admin bar to display intead of “Howdy,”. $new_howdy = ‘Welcome,’; $my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node( ‘my-account’ ); if ( ! isset( $my_account->title ) ) { return;…Continue reading