(cloud) r2c on Call Param

//script: r2c on Call Param with Enhanced Tracking //ver 2.6 if (!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) exit; // Static phone number override – if set, will bypass all other functionality $static_phone_number = ‘8001234567’; // Set your phone number here, e.g. ‘8001234567’ // If static…Continue reading

Disable some Top WP Admin Bar

add_action(‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘remove_admin_bar_items’, 100); function remove_admin_bar_items($wp_admin_bar) { // Example: Remove the WordPress logo $wp_admin_bar->remove_node(‘wp-logo’); // Example: Remove the “Comments” menu $wp_admin_bar->remove_node(‘comments’); // Example: Remove the “Comments” menu $wp_admin_bar->remove_node(‘updates’); // Add more nodes as needed }Continue reading

RingBa: PHP Hide For Bots

//global $js_tag_id; //$js_tag_id = “CA365bab17031a47acab84c70a32d28015″; if (!defined(‘ABSPATH’)) exit; function is_search_engine_bot() { $userAgent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’] ?? ”; if (stripos($userAgent, ‘google’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘bing’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘msn’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘yandex’) !== false || stripos($userAgent, ‘baidu’) !==…Continue reading

Lock users if website is idle for certain period ウェブサイトが一定期間アイドル状態の場合にユーザーをロックするBy Amiru San

/** * Lock user out after 5 minutes of inactivity by Amiru ウェブサイトが一定期間アイドル状態の場合にユーザーをロックする. */ add_action( ‘init’, ‘lock_user_after_inactivity’ ); function lock_user_after_inactivity() { // Check if the user is logged in if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { // Get the current user ID…Continue reading

WPForms Repeater Output Support / Central Region Service Request (SEI)

add_action(‘wpforms_loaded’, function() { // 1. Register your custom smart tags (this happens site-wide). add_filter(‘wpforms_smart_tags’, function($tags) { $tags[‘equipment_type_list’] = ‘Equipment Type List’; $tags[‘ownership_type_list’] = ‘Ownership Type List’; $tags[‘serial_number_list’] = ‘Serial Number List’; $tags[‘brand_model_list’] = ‘Brand/Model List’; return $tags; }); // 2.…Continue reading

WPForms Repeater Output Support / Central Region Service Request (SKY)

add_action(‘wpforms_loaded’, function() { // 1. Register your custom smart tags (this happens site-wide). add_filter(‘wpforms_smart_tags’, function($tags) { $tags[‘equipment_type_list’] = ‘Equipment Type List’; $tags[‘ownership_type_list’] = ‘Ownership Type List’; $tags[‘serial_number_list’] = ‘Serial Number List’; $tags[‘brand_model_list’] = ‘Brand/Model List’; return $tags; }); // 2.…Continue reading

WPForms Repeater Output Support / Central Region Service Request (LSO)

add_action(‘wpforms_loaded’, function() { // 1. Register your custom smart tags (this happens site-wide). add_filter(‘wpforms_smart_tags’, function($tags) { $tags[‘equipment_type_list’] = ‘Equipment Type List’; $tags[‘ownership_type_list’] = ‘Ownership Type List’; $tags[‘serial_number_list’] = ‘Serial Number List’; $tags[‘brand_model_list’] = ‘Brand/Model List’; return $tags; }); // 2.…Continue reading