Darn slashes

/* Plugin Name: MA Custom Fonts Description: Load custom fonts and inject to Oxygen and Bricks Author: Matthias Altmann Project: Code Snippet: Load custom fonts and inject to Oxygen and Bricks Version: 3.3.1 Plugin URI: https://www.altmann.de/en/blog-en/code-snippet-custom-fonts/ Description: en: https://www.altmann.de/en/blog-en/code-snippet-custom-fonts/ de:…Continue reading

Disable Automatic Updates

// Disable core auto-updates add_filter( ‘auto_update_core’, ‘__return_false’ ); // Disable auto-updates for plugins. add_filter( ‘auto_update_plugin’, ‘__return_false’ ); // Disable auto-updates for themes. add_filter( ‘auto_update_theme’, ‘__return_false’ );Continue reading

Disable WordPress REST API

add_filter( ‘rest_authentication_errors’, function ( $access ) { return new WP_Error( ‘rest_disabled’, __( ‘The WordPress REST API has been disabled.’ ), array( ‘status’ => rest_authorization_required_code(), ) ); } );Continue reading

Completely Disable Comments

add_action(‘admin_init’, function () { // Redirect any user trying to access comments page global $pagenow; if ($pagenow === ‘edit-comments.php’) { wp_safe_redirect(admin_url()); exit; } // Remove comments metabox from dashboard remove_meta_box(‘dashboard_recent_comments’, ‘dashboard’, ‘normal’); // Disable support for comments and trackbacks in…Continue reading

Disable Attachment Pages

add_action( ‘template_redirect’, function () { global $post; if ( ! is_attachment() || ! isset( $post->post_parent ) || ! is_numeric( $post->post_parent ) ) { return; } // Does the attachment have a parent post? // If the post is trashed, fallback…Continue reading

Disable Automatic Updates Emails

// Disable auto-update emails. add_filter( ‘auto_core_update_send_email’, ‘__return_false’ ); // Disable auto-update emails for plugins. add_filter( ‘auto_plugin_update_send_email’, ‘__return_false’ ); // Disable auto-update emails for themes. add_filter( ‘auto_theme_update_send_email’, ‘__return_false’ );Continue reading