Make Sponsor ID a Meta Tag

/* on category pages, grabbing the sponsorship_id is the last post included in the list – not the category’s sponsor id. * this code deals with this…borrowed from equinenetwork-gam-public-footer.php */ $term = get_queried_object(); if ( function_exists(‘get_field’) == true && get_field(‘sponlineitemid’)…Continue reading

Adam’s Blik Attempt

// Register BLIK payment method via the simpay_register_payment_methods hook. add_action( ‘simpay_register_payment_methods’, function( $payment_methods ) { // Create a new Payment Method instance for BLIK. $blik = new \SimplePay\Pro\Payment_Methods\Payment_Method( array( ‘id’ => ‘blik’, ‘name’ => esc_html__( ‘BLIK’, ‘simple-pay’ ), ‘nicename’ =>…Continue reading

Change Cancel Page URL For Paypal

add_filter( ‘charitable_paypal_redirect_args’, ‘test_charitable_paypal_redirect_args’, 10, 3 ); function test_charitable_paypal_redirect_args( $paypal_args, $donation_id, $processor ) { // locate the ‘cancel_return’ parameter and update it to a proper url $paypal_args[‘cancel_return’] = ‘’; return $paypal_args; }Continue reading

Envira – Disable Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation

/* Disable Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation * * @link */ // Disable for Albums add_filter( ‘envira_albums_pre_data’, ‘my_envira_album_pre_data’, 10, 2 ); function my_envira_album_pre_data( $data, $album_id ) { $data[‘config’][‘keyboard’] = 0; // 0 for disable, 1 to enable $data[‘config’][‘mousewheel’] = false;…Continue reading

Envira – Disable Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation

/* Disable Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation * * @link */ // Disable for Albums add_filter( ‘envira_albums_pre_data’, ‘my_envira_album_pre_data’, 10, 2 ); function my_envira_album_pre_data( $data, $album_id ) { $data[‘config’][‘keyboard’] = 0; // 0 for disable, 1 to enable $data[‘config’][‘mousewheel’] = false;…Continue reading