// Code Added by: Sumaiya, Clickup Doc: https://app.clickup.com/36636088/v/dc/12y1dr-22535/12y1dr-16835 add_action(‘fluentform/before_insert_submission’, function ($insertData, $data, $form) { if ($form -> id != 5) { return; } $redirectUrl = “https://community.inkontaktbringer.de/community/”; // You can change the redirect url after successful login // if you have…Continue reading
function my_soliloquy_video_url_filter( $url, $source, $id, $item, $data ) { if ( $source === ‘vimeo’ ) { // Modify the Vimeo URL to include the allow=”autoplay” attribute $url = str_replace(‘Continue reading
add_filter(‘envira_gallery_image_caption_allowed_html_tags’,’example_envira_gallery_image_caption_allowed_html_tags’, 5, 5); function example_envira_gallery_image_caption_allowed_html_tags($allowed_tags, $id, $item, $data, $i) { $allowed_tags[‘i’][‘class’][] = ‘fa’; $allowed_tags[‘i’][‘class’][] = ‘fa-facebook-square’; $allowed_tags[‘i’][‘class’][] = ‘fa-4x’; return $allowed_tags; }Continue reading
add_filter( ‘reactr_title’, ‘replace_blog_with_news’, 10, 1 ); function replace_blog_with_news( $title ) { if ( is_singular( ‘post’ ) ) { $title = str_replace( ‘Blog’, ‘News’, $title ); } return $title; }Continue reading
function my_custom_ngg_manage_galleries_items_per_page( $items_per_page ) { return 20; } add_filter( ‘ngg_manage_galleries_items_per_page’, ‘my_custom_ngg_manage_galleries_items_per_page’ );Continue reading
function exclude_lazy_loading( $output, $id, $item, $data, $i ) { $image_tag = ‘‘; $start_pos = strpos( $output, $image_tag ); $end_pos = strpos( $output, $image_end, $start_pos ); if ( $start_pos !== false && $end_pos !== false ) { $image_content = substr( $output,…Continue reading
add_filter( ‘option_use_smilies’, ‘__return_false’ );Continue reading
add_filter(‘envira_gallery_image_caption_allowed_html_tags’,’example_envira_gallery_image_caption_allowed_html_tags’, 5, 5); function example_envira_gallery_image_caption_allowed_html_tags($allowed_tags, $id, $item, $data, $i) { $allowed_tags[‘i’][‘class’][] = ‘fa’; $allowed_tags[‘i’][‘class’][] = ‘fa-facebook-square’; $allowed_tags[‘i’][‘class’][] = ‘fa-4x’; return $allowed_tags; }Continue reading
add_filter( ‘reactr_title’, ‘replace_blog_with_news’, 10, 1 ); function replace_blog_with_news( $title ) { if ( is_singular( ‘post’ ) ) { $title = str_replace( ‘Blog’, ‘News’, $title ); } return $title; }Continue reading