9 Snippets
<10 Favourites

Generate a virtual coupon when order is completed.

This snippet will generate a new virtual coupon for a coupon that you've enabled virtual coupon…

Allow Subscriptions Product on BOGO and Add Product Search Field

add_filter( 'acfw_product_search_allowed_types' , 'acfw_search_add_support_for_subscription_products' ); function acfw_search_add_support_for_subscription_products( $product_types ) { $product_types[] = 'subscription'; $product_types[] = 'variable-subscription';…

Generate a virtual coupon when order is completed.

This snippet will generate a new virtual coupon for a coupon that you've enabled virtual coupon…

Disallow store credits if cart has subscription product

This snippet will remove the store credit option if the cart has a subscription product

Disallow point redemption if cart has subscription product.

This snippet will remove the point redemption option if the cart has a subscription product

Auto Generate Virtual Coupon After a Customer Completed an Order

/** * Generate a virtual coupon when order is completed. * * @param int $order_id Order…

Customize Gift Card Code

/* Customize the generated Gift Card Code */ function agcfw_change_prefix() { return array( 'characters' => 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789',…

Customize Store Credit Accordion on Checkout Page

This snippet allows you to customize Store Credit Accordion on the Checkout Page

Changing Multiple Properties on Store Credit Accordion Checkout Page

This allows you to customize other parts of the Store Credit Accordion on the Checkout Page