61 Snippets
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MemberPress: Add Author Custom Bio Shortcode

Add the [mpcs-author-custom-bio slug="mepr_short_bio"] shortcode to a post, page, or course. The shortcode will display the…

MemberPress: Exclude Posts, Pages, Categories, or Tags from PayWall

Exclude specific posts, pages, categories, or tags from being viewed with the PayWall free views.

MemberPress: Remove State Text Field

Removes the state text field from the registration and account pages if the country does not…

MemberPress: Hide Protected Posts from Search Results

Hide any posts that the current user (or guest) does not have access to from search…

MemberPress: Display Account Tabs Anywhere

This code registers a new shortcode: [mepr-account-links]. This shortcode can be used anywhere to display the…

MemberPress: Remove all but one country from the drop-down

Removes all the countries for the drop-down list on the account and registration pages and leaves…

MemberPress: Add Author Bio Shortcode

Place the [mpcs-author-bio] shortcode in a post, page, or course. The shortcode will display the biographical…

MemberPress: Disable Admin Password Lost/Changed Email

Disable the MemberPress Admin email notification for password lost/changed.

MemberPress: Replace Country Code with Country Name

Replaces the 2-digit country code in the {$user_address} parameter for emails with the full country name.

MemberPress: Display Account Tabs Anywhere

This code registers a new shortcode: [mepr-account-links]. This shortcode can be used anywhere to display the…

MemberPress: Add Shortcode To Output the User’s Subscription Expiration Date

Adds the following shortcode: [mepr-sub-expiration membership=' ']. The shortcode will output the expiration date of the…

MemberPress: Require Specific Coupon to Register

The code will make a specific coupon mandatory for purchasing a specific membership. More than one…

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