
Amateur hobbyist

21 Snippets
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Helper functions to make generating WordPress post type labels and taxonomy labels easier

Generate post type and taxonomy labels easily by specifying the singular and plural version of the…

Ensure Webfont is Loaded (non-Elementor)

function custom_font_display( $current_value, $font_family, $data ) { return 'swap'; } add_filter( 'font_display', 'custom_font_display', 10, 3 );

Override Header Logo with Custom SVG

While you can select an SVG image from the customizer for your header logo if you…

Add data-no-optimize to all JS snippets

This snippet filters the output of all the WPCode JavaScript snippets to add the data-no-optimize parameter…


Genesis theme - use block editor in widgets

//* Genesis Enable the block-based widget editor add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_true' );

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