WPCode makes it easy and safe to add custom WordPress features through code snippets, so you can reduce the number of plugins on your site.
Allow SVG Files Upload
Add support for SVG files to be uploaded in WordPress media.

Remove WordPress Version Number
Hide the WordPress version number from your site's frontend and feeds.

Disable Gutenberg Editor (use Classic Editor)
Switch back to the Classic Editor by disablling the Block Editor.

Disable Automatic Updates Emails
Stop getting emails about automatic updates on your WordPress site.

Disable The WP Admin Bar
Hide the WordPress Admin Bar for all users in the frontend.

Disable Widget Blocks (use Classic Widgets)
Use the classic interface instead of Blocks to manage Widgets.

Disable Automatic Updates
Use this snippet to completely disable automatic updates on your website.

Disable Attachment Pages
Hide the Attachment/Attachments pages on the frontend from all visitors.

Disable WordPress REST API
Easily disable the WP REST API on your website with this snippet.

Disable RSS Feeds
Turn off the WordPress RSS Feeds for your website with 1 click.

Duplicate Post/Page Link
Duplicate posts, pages or any post type with 1-click by adding a duplicate link in the…