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Gravity Forms Submit Event

This snippet will send a lead event when a GF form is submitted successfully.

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 * Send a server-side event to the FB Conversions API when a Gravity Forms form is submitted using the Conversion Pixels addon.
 * @param array $entry The entry data.
 * @param array $form The form data.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission', function ( $entry, $form ) {
	// Run this only for a specific form id.
	if ( 1 !== rgar( $form, 'id' ) ) {
	if ( function_exists( 'wpcode_pixel' ) ) {
		// Send event for FB Pixel.
		// Find the auto-insert type for fb.
		$pixel_types = wpcode_pixel()->auto_insert->types;
		foreach ( $pixel_types as $pixel_type ) {
			if ( $pixel_type instanceof WPCode_Pixel_Auto_Insert_Facebook ) {
						'event_name'  => 'Lead', // This can be changed to "Contact" or "CompleteRegistration" or any other event name.
						'event_time'  => time(),
						'custom_data' => array(),
						'user_data'   => $pixel_type->get_user_data( array() ),
}, 10, 2 );


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