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Retroactive License Emails

Send an email with the license key to customers when retroactively generating licenses with Easy Digital Download's Software Licensing. Don't forget to modify the email message below!

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 * Initialize the plugin when an ajax call is made by the retroactive license
 * generation process. We don't want to send out a duplicate email during the
 * normal purchase process, so this way the plugin does nothing unless we're in
 * the middle of the retroactive license generation process.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_edd_sl_process_retroactive_post', 'eddrle_attach_license_generation_hook' );
 * Attach a hook to the normal license generation method
if ( !function_exists( 'eddrle_attach_license_generation_hook' ) ) {
function eddrle_attach_license_generation_hook() {
	add_action( 'edd_sl_store_license', 'eddrle_send_license_email', 10, 4 );
} // endif;
 * Send an email when a license is generated. This hooks into the normal
 * license generation when a download is processed, so make sure it's never
 * called except during the retroactive license generation.
if ( !function_exists( 'eddrle_send_license_email' ) ) {
function eddrle_send_license_email( $license_id, $d_id, $payment_id, $type ) {
	// Sanity check! Is EDD 1.2+ active?
	if ( !function_exists( 'edd_get_payment_meta' ) ) {
	$payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta( $payment_id );
	// Bail early if we don't have an email address. Tough luck, man!
	if ( empty( $payment_meta['email'] ) ) {
	$license_key = get_post_meta( $license_id, '_edd_sl_key', true );
	// Bail early if we don't have a license key, for some reason.
	if ( empty( $license_key ) ) {
	$download_title = get_the_title( $d_id );
	// Bail early if there's no title. There should be, though!
	if ( empty( $download_title ) ) {
	// A quick message. Hey don't forget to change this text!
	$message = 'A license key has been generated for your purchase of ' . $download_title . '. Please use the license key below to take advantage of one-click updates.' . $license_key . ' Let me know if you have any questions, Nate WrightTheme of the Crop http://themeofthecrop.com';
	// Send the email
		'License key generated for ' . $download_title,
} // endif;


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