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Create Additional Formats for the Date Field

Add custom date formats to the Date field in WPForms.

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Add additional formats for the Date field Date Picker. 
Original doc link: https://wpforms.com/developers/how-to-create-additional-formats-for-the-date-field/
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function wpf_dev_date_field_formats( $formats ) {
    // Item key is JS date character - see https://flatpickr.js.org/formatting/
    // Item value is in PHP format - see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
    // Adds new format Monday, 20th of December 2021
    $formats[ 'l, J \of F Y' ] = 'l, jS \of F Y';
	$formats[ 'l, J F Y' ] = 'l, jS F Y';
	$formats[ 'j-m-y' ] = 'j-m-y';
    return $formats;
add_filter( 'wpforms_datetime_date_formats', 'wpf_dev_date_field_formats', 10, 1 );


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