Vertically center Instagram caption on hover

jQuery(window).on(‘sbiafterimagesloaded’, function (event) { $ = jQuery; $(‘.sbi_hover_top’).each(function(){ var $self = $(this); $self.css({ ‘position’ : ‘absolute’, ‘top’ : ( $self.parent().height() – $self.height() ) / 2 }); }); })Continue reading

MemberPress: Add Author Custom Bio Shortcode

function mpcs_author_custom_bio_shortcode( $atts ) { if( !isset( $atts[‘slug’] ) || empty( $atts[‘slug’] ) ) { return; } global $post; $field = get_user_meta( $post->post_author, $atts[‘slug’], true ); if( empty( $field ) ) { return; } return ‘ ‘ . sanitize_text_field( $field…Continue reading

MemberPress: Dynamic Trail Periods

function mepr_days_until( $date ){ return ( isset( $date ) ) ? floor( ( strtotime( $date ) – time() )/60/60/24 ) : false; } function mepr_update_mepr_trial_period() { $prd = new MeprProduct( 4480 ); //CHANGE 123 to the ID of your Membership…Continue reading