Archives: Snippets
WP Simple Pay: Increase Input Font Size
.simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=date], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=time], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=datetime-local], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=week], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=month], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=text], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=email], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=url], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=password], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=search], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=tel], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control input[type=number], .simpay-styled .simpay-form-control select, .simpay-styled…Continue reading
Add user registration date
/* * Creating a column (it is also possible to remove some default ones) */ add_filter( ‘manage_users_columns’, ‘rudr_modify_user_table’ ); function rudr_modify_user_table( $columns ) { // unset( $columns[‘posts’] ); // maybe you would like to remove default columns $columns[ ‘registration_date’ ]…Continue reading
Untitled Snippet
code at the end of the body tag
code at the end of the body tag
Change Month Calendar to show only items in the month | Display Eventbrite Plugins
add_filter( ‘wfea_cal_extra_options’, function ( $options ) { $options[‘fullcalendar’][‘showNonCurrentDates’] = false; return $options; }, 10, 1 );Continue reading