About This Plugin This plugin forces all selected content types to show a specific author, while maintaining the original author information in the database. The original author information is visible in the posts/pages list under the “Original Author” column.Continue reading
function mepr_cust_import_options() { if( isset( $_REQUEST[‘import-options’] ) ) { // For this code snippet to work, a custom dropdown field must be created at Dashboard > MemberPress > Settings > Fields tab. $mepr_options = MeprOptions::fetch( true ); $key = ‘mepr_custom_dropdown’;…Continue reading
function mepr_cust_uk_vat( $vat_countries ) { if( isset( $vat_countries ) ) { $gb = $vat_countries[‘GB’]; if ( isset( $gb ) ) { $gb[‘rate’] = 0; $vat_countries[‘GB’] = $gb; } } return $vat_countries; } add_filter( ‘mepr-vat-countries’, ‘mepr_cust_uk_vat’ );Continue reading
function mepr_cust_tax_only_uk( $tax_rate, $country, $state, $postcode, $city, $street, $user, $prd_id ) { if ( $country != ‘GB’ ) { $tax_rate->tax_rate = 0.0; } return $tax_rate; } add_filter( ‘mepr_find_tax_rate’, ‘mepr_cust_tax_only_uk’, 99, 8 );Continue reading
function add_address_to_recurring( $args, $txn, $sub ) { $user = new MeprUser( $txn->user_id ); if ( $user->address_is_set() ) { $addr = $user->full_address( false ); $args[‘subscription’][‘billTo’][‘address’] = $addr[‘mepr-address-one’] . ( isset($addr[‘mepr-address-two’] ) ? ‘ ‘ . $addr[‘mepr-address-two’] : ” ); $args[‘subscription’][‘billTo’][‘city’] =…Continue reading
/** * Send multiple files to Google Drive with Zapier addon * * @link https://wpforms.com/developers/how-to-send-multiple-files-to-google-drive-with-zapier/ */ function wpf_dev_add_zapier_file_upload_filter($data, $entry_id, $form_data) { $fields = wpforms_get_form_fields( $form_data ); foreach ( $fields as $field_id => $field ) { if ( $field[‘type’] === ‘file-upload’…Continue reading