Archives: Snippets
City A/C Repair
“”” Alvin A/C Repair Website Welcome to Alvin A/C Repair, your trusted source for all your air conditioning repair needs in Alvin, Texas. We are a professional HVAC company dedicated to providing exceptional services at affordable prices. With a team…Continue reading
Set the Payment fields in the Sign Up form as required
add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_paypal_address’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_paypal_venmo’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_bank_account_name’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_bank_account_number’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_bank_name’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_bank_routing_number’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); add_filter(‘wcv_vendor_bank_bic_swift’, ‘wcv_set_payment_field_required’); /** * Add required attribute to payment fields * * @param array $payment_field The input field to modify. * * @return array $payment_field The modified input…Continue reading
Untitled Snippet
Add vendor id and name to CSV commissions export
if ( ! function_exists( ‘wcv_add_vendor_id_col_data’ ) ) { /** * Add vendor id to CSV data * * @param array $row_data The row data. * @param int $vendor_id The vendor id. */ function wcv_add_vendor_id_col_data( $row_data, $vendor_id ) { if (…Continue reading
The commission is only log when the order status is completed
if ( ! function_exists( ‘wcv_log_commission_order_status’ ) ) { /** * Log commission when order status is ? * * @param array $order_statuses The order statuses. * @return array */ function wcv_log_commission_order_status( $order_statuses ) { $key = array_search( ‘processing’, $order_statuses, true…Continue reading
Remove title on all pages for Hello Theme
function ele_disable_page_title( $return ) { return false; } add_filter( ‘hello_elementor_page_title’, ‘ele_disable_page_title’ );Continue reading
Woocommerce category archive sort products by date by default
add_filter(‘woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby’, ‘quadlayers_catalog_orderby_for_category’); function quadlayers_catalog_orderby_for_category( $sort_by ) { if( !is_product_category(‘gramatas’) ) { return $sort_by; // modify gramatas category archive sorting } return ‘date’; }Continue reading
Update the author name on published recipes
add_filter( ‘tasty_recipes_recipe_template_vars’, function( $template_vars ) { $template_vars[‘recipe_author_name’] = ‘New name here’; //Replace New name here $template_vars[‘recipe_details’][‘author’][‘value’] = ‘‘ . $template_vars[‘recipe_author_name’] . ‘‘; return $template_vars; } );Continue reading