Retroactive Lifetime Licenses

/** * Add a metabox to initiate the action */ function eddrll_add_metabox() { $post_types = apply_filters( ‘edd_download_metabox_post_types’, array( ‘download’ ) ); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { add_meta_box( ‘edd_retroactive_lifetime_licenses’, __( ‘Retroactive Lifetime Licenses’, ‘edd-retroactive-lifetime-licenses’ ), ‘eddrll_render_metabox’, $post_type, ‘advanced’, ‘low’…Continue reading

Increase Memory Limit During Download Delivery

if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) exit; // Increase memory limit during regular download processes if ( !function_exists( ‘eddiml_increase_memory_limit’ ) ) { function eddiml_increase_memory_limit( $download, $email, $payment ) { @ini_set( ‘memory_limit’, ‘256M’ ); } add_action( ‘edd_process_verified_download’, ‘eddiml_increase_memory_limit’, 10, 3…Continue reading

Grandfather Renewal Rate

/* * Sets renewal discount to 40% for any customer that purchased before April 18, 2016 */ function pw_edd_grandfather_renewal_discount( $renewal_discount, $license_id ) { $license = edd_software_licensing()->get_license( $license_id ); if( strtotime( $license->date_created ) < strtotime( 'January 1, 2020' ) ) {…Continue reading

Conditional Gateway Fees

function cl_remove_gateway_fees_by_cart_total( $fee ) { // enter the cart total for no gateway fees $limit = 5; // get the cart total $cart_total = edd_get_cart_total(); if ( $cart_total >= $limit ) { // if the cart total is greater than…Continue reading

Override Commissions Email Template

// Remove default email template remove_action( ‘eddc_insert_commission’, ‘eddc_email_alert’, 10, 5 ); // Build New email template for Commissions (same as default, carefully make your modifications) function sd_edd_commissions_email_alert( $user_id, $commission_amount, $rate, $download_id, $commission_id ) { global $edd_options; $from_name = isset( $edd_options[‘from_name’]…Continue reading

Withholding Tax Example

function ds_edd_adjust_commission_rate_for_withholding_tax( $recipient, $commission_amount, $rate, $download_id, $commission_id, $payment_id ) { $payment = new EDD_Payment( $payment_id ); $commission = new EDD_Commission( $commission_id ); $address = $payment->address; $shop_country = edd_get_shop_country(); // Set the commission meta key $meta_key = ‘_eddc_withheld_amount’; // Sanity check…Continue reading

Adjust Rate for Referrals

/* * This is for combining EDD Commissions with Affiliates Pro */ function pw_edd_adjust_commission_rate_for_referrals( $recipient, $commission_amount, $rate, $download_id, $commission_id, $payment_id ) { global $wpdb; // See if this payment had a referral associated with it if( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT referral_id…Continue reading

Commissions payment_id email tag

function pj_eddc_add_payment_id_email_template_tag( $message, $user_id, $commission_amount, $rate, $download_id, $commission_id ){ //Get the payment Id $payment_id = get_post_meta( $commission_id, ‘_edd_commission_payment_id’, true ); $message = str_replace( ‘{payment_id}’, $payment_id, $message ); return $message; } add_filter( ‘eddc_sale_alert_email’, ‘pj_eddc_add_payment_id_email_template_tag’, 10, 6 );Continue reading

Show Invoice for Refunded

function pw_edd_pdf_invoices_for_refunded( $show_invoice, $payment_id ) { $payment = get_post( $payment_id ); $status = edd_get_payment_status( $payment ); if( ‘refunded’ === $status ) { $show_invoice = true; } return $show_invoice; } add_filter( ‘eddpdfi_is_invoice_link_allowed’, ‘pw_edd_pdf_invoices_for_refunded’, 10, 2 );Continue reading

Show Invoice for Pending

function pw_edd_pdf_invoices_for_pending( $show_invoice, $payment_id ) { $payment = get_post( $payment_id ); $status = edd_get_payment_status( $payment ); if( ‘pending’ === $status ) { $show_invoice = true; } return $show_invoice; } add_filter( ‘eddpdfi_is_invoice_link_allowed’, ‘pw_edd_pdf_invoices_for_pending’, 10, 2 );Continue reading