Add Donate Button

/** * USAGE: * * To display a particular campaign’s button, just add this to your template: ed_charitable_get_campaign_donate_button( 123 ); * Replace 123 with the ID of your campaign. */ /** * Display a donate button for a specific campaign.…Continue reading

Auto Complete Offline Donations

/** * Automatically mark all offline donations as Paid. * * @param boolean $return * @param int $donation_id * @return boolean */ function ed_auto_complete_offline_donation( $return, $donation_id ) { charitable_get_donation( $donation_id )->update_status( ‘charitable-completed’ ); return $return; } add_filter( ‘charitable_process_donation_offline’, ‘ed_auto_complete_offline_donation’, 10,…Continue reading

Allow Manual Donations Without Email

/** * Allow donors to be be added without an email address. * * Prior to Charitable 1.6, this was never permitted. As of Charitable 1.6, it’s possible * to support manual donations without an email address by using this…Continue reading

Change Donor Name Display

/** * Change the donors widget so only the first name and last name * initial of the donor are shown. * * @param string $name The name to be displayed * @param array $args Arguments passed to the donor-loop/donor.php…Continue reading

Include Pending Donors

/** * By default, the Donors widget & shortcode will only include donors with * Paid donations. With this snippet, you can make sure that * donors with Pending donations are also included. */ function ed_include_pending_donors_in_donors_widget_shortcode( $query_args ) { $query_args[‘status’]…Continue reading